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Using Server developped routines in EE

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:48 am
by clarcombe
Having several hundreds of really useful Server routines that are commonly used, I have now been asked to develop all new jobs in EE.

Bar rewriting them all in C++, the only way I can see of using them is if I create a server job in the middle of a set of px jobs in a sequence and update a specific or new column with the value the routine gives me.

This would then be passed to the following PX job for continuing treatment.

Am I right in thinking this is the only way to go or have I missed something in v8

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:59 pm
by sima79
You can use the Basic Transformer to make use of server transforms and routines in a parallel job until you migrate them eventually to parallel routines. You can find the BASIC transformer under Stage Types -> Parallel -> Processing