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Tsort merger aborting: Scratch space full

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:36 am
by harsh_cs31
I have around 800,000 records in a table and I do some transformations on these and then putting the columns into another table.

During this if I run the job it gives me an error saying:Fatal Error: Tsort merger aborting: Scratch space full
Fatal Error: Pipe read failed: short read

Also if I run the same job for say 10,000 records it runs fine.

I know that it is because of the scratch space issue, but is there a way to avoid it, also what is the second error?

Please help.


Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:43 am
by ArndW
You've run out of temporary disk space. You can either increase the available disk space pointed to by your APT_CONFIG file or reduce your disk requirements - perhaps you could pre-sort your data by doing an "order by" in your selection.