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CDC + Split Insert/update

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:08 am
by algfr
Hello guys,

I have a few questions regarding the CDC stage ?

1) As Suggested by Ray and others, it's better to split inserts and updates. So I use a switch stage after my CDC on the change code and redirect my data to two oracle stage to the same table.
Is this okay to use Load/Append for inserts and Update only for updates ?

2) How do we make sure there is no confilct between inserts and updates ?

3) When I use Load/Append, I get warnings with the dest field that is a ustring. Eveni if I am 100% sure it is a ustring, I get a warning stating I get a ustring to string conversion. If I use Upsert, this does not happen.

Thanks a lot.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:20 am
by algfr
ora_DWH_DIM_PRD_LOC_insert: When checking operator: When binding input interface field "PRD_LOC_NAT_COD" to field "PRD_LOC_NAT_COD": Implicit conversion from source type "ustring[max=30]" to result type "string[max=30]":

--> In load/Append mode only (everything is set to Unicode already)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:00 pm
by DSguru2B
After splitting the inserts and updates, stage them in seperate datasets and use seperate jobs to insert and update.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:01 am
by algfr
Is it really compulsory to create so many jobs ?