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Handling XML Repetitions

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:00 am
by mydsworld
I have the following data as input to XML Output stage.

customer division city
acme toys boston
acme toys new york
acme chemical boston
acme chemical new york

1st column : /customer/@name
2nd column : /customer/division/text()
3rd column : /customer/city/text()

My intention is to get XML output like this :

<customer name = "acme">
<division> toys </division>
<city> boston </city>

<division> toys </division>
<city> new york </city>

<division> chemical </division>
<city> boston </city>

<division> chemical </division>
<city> new york </city>

Please let me know which element should I choose as 'Repeition Element' to achieve this.