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What is an initializeFromArgs() error?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:07 pm
by bcarlson
We have been getting intermittent errors in all of our servers with the following message:
tdread1: Error occurred during initializeFromArgs(). [api/operator.C:691]
tdread1: Property : Property not valid in source context [pxbridge.C:563]
The stage that fails is a Teradata Connector doing a read, access mode is bulk and we are using a user-defined SQL.

The message doesn't make any sense. But here's the wierdest part. If I go in, add a space to the end of the SQL or add an extra line at the end, and recompile - it works. No logical code change, just space. I think we found this workaround by accident.

Anyone seen this before?


Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:08 pm
by bcarlson
One extra note. If you look carefully at the second line of the message:
tdread1: Property : Property not valid in source context [pxbridge.C:563]
There is extra spaces "Property <> not valid". Looks like some property specified somewhere ain't right. Clear as mud, huh?
