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DS job Monitor - Start Time changes randomly - very slow per

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:33 pm
by dsuser_cai
Hi (DS.7.5.2, Oracle 10g)

I have a server job, and i was running it with very limited amount of data (10000 records). The job was running good last friday, but today morning when i ran it the job was very slow, less than 1 row per second. Also i was monitoring the job using the job monitor option available in DS Director.

The job started at 09:55 AM (i started at this time) in the job monitor window initially it showed 09:55 AM, and later on when it started to extract the rows the started time in the DS Job Monitor window changed to 10:08 Am (this is the time when row extraction started), Is this normal?

Can anybody suggest me how to find the available resource in the Unix box (that has DS)

Also the job runs very slow, while the same query runs very quick in toad.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:17 pm
by chulett
Yes, normal. That initial 'start time' is when the job started and the second start time (the one it chaged to) is when the first rows began to flow through the job. And the speed can be fairly meaningless as it is averaged over the entire life of the job, it is not the 'current' speed.