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Regarding format of seq files

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:12 am
by zulfi123786
I am reading the seq file by putting 'tr -d '\015\010\007' in the filter tab.
I guess this command will delete all 'new line' (enter key) characters from the file. now my question is , how is the file being read as the terminating character is deleted from every record. The final delimiter=end .

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:24 am
by ArndW
Are you checking to understand an existing job or creating something new? If the incoming file is in DOS format you have a <cr><lf> as a terminator. If the file is fixed width you don't need line terminators.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:19 am
by zulfi123786
I am trying to understand an existing job . the job is working perfectly, but how???

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:50 am
by priyadarshikunal
Char(13) is not being removed by the filter. Does that gives a clue?