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Which DB used for ORCH_WORK table

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:55 am
by bobyon
How does DS determine where (which db) to create the ORCH_WORK.... table?

Code: Select all

NADRMetrics: TeraUtils:DB Call Failure(success check) Info = 0, Code = 3524,  Message = The user does not have CREATE TABLE access to database Lowes_VM 

NADRMetrics: TeraUtils:ExecuteImmediate failed for 'CREATE TABLE ORCH_WORK_551d7bae AS ( SELECT * FROM  lowes_hold.TableName.....      Error Code = 3524
I can find no reference to Lowes_VM in the job, nor the project env vars? The table I am updating is in a different Db. Lowes_VM contains only views and thus nothing but read access permitted there.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:09 am
by jcthornton
The work table would is generally created in the default database assigned to the user that is being used to connect.

It looks like you are using TeraData. From what I can gather from a quick google search, it is up to the DBA to set the default database when the user is created.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:30 am
by bobyon
That is exactly what is going on. The default db for this Id is lowes_vm. Is it possible to direct ORCH_WORK to a different db?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:53 am
by throbinson
Yes it is. Use WORKDB=<Database> as an Additional Connection Options. It is a property available within the Properties tab of the Teradata Enterprise Stage within the DB Options Mode property.
Here's what we use. I know of no other options available but would love to learn of more if anyone knows of any.

Where do we specify WORKDB in DataStage 8.1?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:18 pm
by joeyfan
We have successfully used the WORKDB variable in our Teradata Enterprise stages. Now we are starting to use the new Teradata Connector stage in DataStage 8.1 (Fix Pack 1) but I do not see where we can specify WORKDB.

Does anyone know where we can specify WORKDB in the Teradata Connector stage?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:36 am
by battaliou
We are currently specifying this under DB options in the TD EE stage: user=#TRG_DB_USERID#,password='#TRG_DB_PASS#',SessionsPerPlayer=1,RequestedSessions=5,WORKDB=#TRG_DB_NAME#