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XML Input Stage

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:19 am
by bikan
Hi All,

My jobs looks like
External Source ===> XML input stage ===> output file

I am not getting any warning or fatal error in director then also data is not getting generated in output file.

If i am adding namespace declaration and keeping their ref value in xpath expression then job is running w/o warning but i not not getting data loaded in sequential file(output).
and after removing namespace declaration and their corresponding ref value from xpath i am getting proper output(data) in sequential file.

Pls suggest solution.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:57 am
by ArndW
I'm not in a position to check and don't remember the details, but I recall about a year ago we had issues with XML namespace definitions and installed an IBM patch that addressed the problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:54 pm
by bikan
ArndW wrote:I'm not in a position to check and don't remember the details, but I recall about a year ago we had issues with XML namespace definitions and installed an IBM patch that addressed the problem.
Hi ArndW

Thanks for your response...
Can u elaborate on the details about IBM patch or location of all the IBM patches available for XML..

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:08 pm
by ray.wurlod
Which part of this statement is unclear?
arndw wrote:I'm not in a position to check and don't remember the details

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:18 pm
by bikan
ray.wurlod wrote:Which part of this statement is unclear?
arndw wrote:I'm not in a position to check and don't remember the details

Actaully i dont know abt the patch available in IBM for XML..
Thats why i wanted to know what does "installed an IBM patch that addressed the problem".


Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:26 pm
by chulett
It means that - without further clarification from the forums - you should check with your official support provider and see if this is a known issue with an available patch. I too recall such a thing, but it was part of the initial 8.x release where it was needed I believe, not 7. Regardless, check and let us know what you find out.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:19 am
by eostic
I don't recall any namespace specific patches for 7, but that doesn't mean there weren't any. Namespaces can be very confusing, especially if you have any default namespaces (without a specific prefix). Those are some of the most confusing, where you will have xmlns="http...." without a prefix value. If you generate the xpath in the xml importer, you should get an NSxx value. This is proper.... but then various mismatches (the namespace info isn't in the detailed property box, or you have xpath that doesn't have the prefix in your description properties on the link, or a document comes in that doesn't use it.....all can result in 0 rows coming out of the Stage. Look carefully at all the possibilities. Worst case, just "zap" out the namespace info in the header before (in an upstream transformer) entering the XMLInput Stage.
