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Sequencer Aborting

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:17 am
by sajidkp

When my run a sequencer job which runs two job its is aborting with the following error

" Controller problem: Unhandled failure (1) encountered calling routine DSX.UTILITYMESSAGETOLOG"

i have added routine activity which has to be called after successfull completion of job . the job is finished successfully but sequencer is aborted . Please somebody help me

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:40 am
by chulett
You could always help yourself - an exact search for "Controller problem: Unhandled failure" will show you this has been asked and answered many times here.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:26 am
by banactp
Or, you could instead be helpful and answer the question so that those who have encountered this irritating flaw in the product (WTH does a simple, built-in utility routine that can't possibly fail return a code that's interpreted as an abnormal result anyway?) don't have to waste many precious minutes of their lives wading through dozens of potentially irrelevant discussions looking for an answer to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Are you too baffled as to why you have to concern yourself with "Routine DSX.UTILITYMESSAGETOLOG did not finish OK, return code = '1'" causing your sequence to abort? Still scratching your head as to why a simple request to print a message in the job log produces any kind of warning or error at all? Have you stumbled across this thread by way of Google or the Search function, perhaps desparately searching for an answer?

The solution I prefer is to add a custom condition on the trigger out of the Routine Activity that contains the call to UtilityMessageToLog. The condition is:

Code: Select all

YourRoutineActivityNameGoesHere.$ReturnValue < 2
You can use any value of 2 or greater to let you proceed past the return code of '1' that UtilityMessageToLog seems to prefer to put out. Now of course, you should not have to do this and your sequence log will still be left with a warning message in it, but at least it will not abort. Complete the bandage by adding an "Otherwise" trigger to the Routine Activity and then routing both triggers to an "Any" sequencer stage.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:42 am
by chulett
Oh, good lord. By contrast, I should waste "precious minutes of my life" repeating something over and over when a search would turn up the answer? Please.