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ODBC Ent Oracle Ent.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:47 am
by Maria_VVM

I was wondering about some differences between odbc enterprise and oracle enterprise. On short, I would like to use Oracle Ent. but do to some contraints in my db, my jobs fail because Oracle Ent. raises fatal errors, while Odbc Ent. only warnings (warnings that can be sent down a reject link) . My pb was with fk contraints violated, but i've seen a number of other errors that are treated in the same way. Now , if ODBC can do it why does Oracle can't ? Or , is there a way to tweak Oracle Ent. to actually behave in the same way ?
For example : to not raise a fatal error when a fk is violated , but a warning .


Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:44 am
by singhald
It is always good to use complete word instead of using short form.

In datastage you have option to demote the fatal/warning messages into inforation log message. this option called message handler. you can write the message handler manually or can use datastage director to create it and add the perticular fatal/warning message into it.

then you need to add this message handler into the job design using Job propertise option and select the created Message Handler and compile the job.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:49 am
by miwinter
The issue is with getting the Oracle stage not to issue fatals in the first instance, which cannot be achieved through message handling. Fatals are fatals, you cannot demote them and they don't come under the jurisdiction of message handlers - they are serious failures with a purpose of aborting the job.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:18 am
by Maria_VVM
Yes they cannot be demoted by message handler. With message handlers you can either promote an informational message to a warning or you can demote a warning to an informational message or you can suppresed a message from the log. Nothing about fatals, which somehow makes sense (i agree with miwinter, fatals are fatals).
And yes, that's what i'm looking for , somehow to make the oracle stage not to send these fatals at all as fatals but as warnings (like in the odbc enterprise stage ). Or a reason for this differences in treating errors between odbc and oracle.


PS.I will remember using the complete form :)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:28 am
by Maria_VVM
I found a stage that, at least in theory,can handle a fatal error message from the db as a warning. The Stored Procedure stage.
I ask again. Is there a way to tweak Oracle Enterprise or to write a Custom Stage that would behave like Oracle Enterprise but handle errors as the ODBC Enterprise stage, or at least have the posibility to modify a message from fatal to warning, like the Stored Procedure stage ?
