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look up

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:54 am
by monaz
hi All,

I have below two requirements to do lookup please suggest me and correct me if i am using wrong stage for my requirement.

1. Requirement 1 is that all records coming from the database should match the sequential file processing_dt.
If matches then only those records are taken in to ouput

Ans:- I am using a lookup procesing stage , for checking if processes date matches then include those records.

So in condition tab of look up i am writing a constraint if process_dt of file is equal to process_dt of table

2. Requirement2 is that all the above matching reocrds should again check for the other file to get description value. so i am again using look up stage , is this correct way to do...

Can i have four lookup stages in the job or it's gd idea to have a join stage?

Please let me knw whch is performance wise good i have everyday 1million records to be exceuted

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:02 am
by nagarjuna
Hi ,

Check the data in reference link and decide on using lookup or join.If your reference data is too large to fit into the memory then go for a join.Also , Note that using join you cannot capture the rejected records directly.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:36 am
by sivagnanamsv
Its a wild guess.. if your first lookup 'processing_dt' sequential file contains only one record..which determines what are the records processed on that date should be passed out of the lookup then we can also consider putting the processing date condition while picking up the data from the database itself. but if the processing date sequential file value going to change daily see to that that can be manipulated in the sql query