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Sequential file delimiter problem

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:14 am
by sajidkp

Hope if u dont mind if this is a simple problem as i am new to DS parellel jobs

I have a simple job file to file Transformation

I have three columns in file (comma delilmitted). and my server is on Windows . when i run the job it finishes with Warning
the error is : "Sequential_File_0,0: Missing record delimiter "\r\n", saw EOF instead"

The format settings i have given is as follows

Record Level
Final Delimiter:end
Record delimitter string: DOS format

Field Default
Delinitter : comma

Is there any other settings i have to do.

Please help me for this. I have searched the Forum, but didnt find anything

Re: Sequential file delimiter problem

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:28 am
by nirdesh2
Just Press the Enter at the end of the file and try to run your job.

Re: Sequential file delimiter problem

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:54 am
by sajidkp
nirdesh2 wrote:Just Press the Enter at the end of the file and try to run your job.
Thanx nirdesh,

Its working now.... so after ctreating files i need to mannually press enter after the records all the times??