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Cannot connect using Information Server Console App

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:02 pm
by Ultramundane
I have installed Information Server 8.1 on AIX 5300-09 and I am trying to launch the Console for Information Server to create some users/roles and the application crashes when trying to launch. I set some of the tracing options it requested. Below is the contents of the XMOG_TRACE_FILE

Code: Select all

[ 2752] [   INFO] going to load a JVM...
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] getJvmPath()="C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll"
[ 2752] [   INFO] loaded configured JVM (C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll) to check for already loaded JVMs
[ 2752] [   INFO] found JNI_GetCreatedJVMs in the configured JVM
[ 2752] [   INFO] did not find a preloaded JVM
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] getJniVersion()=10002
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] getTracing(1)=4
[ 2752] [   INFO] 
  JVM Init Args
  JNI Version: 0x10002
  IgnoreUnrec: true

[ 2752] [  ERROR] No memory when trying to load JVM
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 2752] [  ERROR] couldn't load a JVM or connect to one
[ 2752] [  ERROR] framework exception about to be thrown: code=-1025, msg='Can't load Jvm or connect to one'
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 2952] [   INFO] invoking registered configuration hooks with when=XMOG_BEFORE_LOADING
[ 2952] [   INFO] Overriding TraceFile with by environment variable 'XMOG_TRACE_FILE'
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] setTraceFile( "c:\xmogtrace.txt" )
[ 2952] [   INFO] Overriding TraceLevel with by environment variable 'XMOG_TRACE_LEVEL'
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] setTracing( "TraceVerbose" )
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] setTracing( 15, TraceVerbose )
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] setTracing( 15, 4 )
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] getTracing(15)=4
[ 2952] [   INFO] going to load a JVM...
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 2952] [WARNING] WINDOWS ONLY: found preloaded jvm DLL (C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll) via Windows platform API, preloaded DLL overrides configured DLL
[ 2952] [   INFO] did not find a preloaded JVM
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] getJniVersion()=10002
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] getTracing(1)=4
[ 2952] [   INFO] 
  JVM Init Args
  JNI Version: 0x10002
  IgnoreUnrec: true

[ 2952] [  ERROR] No memory when trying to load JVM
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 2952] [  ERROR] couldn't load a JVM or connect to one
[ 2952] [  ERROR] framework exception about to be thrown: code=-1025, msg='Can't load Jvm or connect to one'
[ 2952] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 2752] [   INFO] xmog_jvm_loader::atexit_call()
[ 2752] [VERBOSE] getNoshutdownProcessing()=false
[ 3240] [   INFO] going to load a JVM...
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] getJvmPath()="C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll"
[ 3240] [   INFO] loaded configured JVM (C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll) to check for already loaded JVMs
[ 3240] [   INFO] found JNI_GetCreatedJVMs in the configured JVM
[ 3240] [   INFO] did not find a preloaded JVM
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] getJniVersion()=10002
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] getTracing(1)=4
[ 3240] [   INFO] 
  JVM Init Args
  JNI Version: 0x10002
  IgnoreUnrec: true

[ 3240] [  ERROR] No memory when trying to load JVM
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 3240] [  ERROR] couldn't load a JVM or connect to one
[ 3240] [  ERROR] framework exception about to be thrown: code=-1025, msg='Can't load Jvm or connect to one'
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 3056] [   INFO] invoking registered configuration hooks with when=XMOG_BEFORE_LOADING
[ 3056] [   INFO] Overriding TraceFile with by environment variable 'XMOG_TRACE_FILE'
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] setTraceFile( "c:\xmogtrace.txt" )
[ 3056] [   INFO] Overriding TraceLevel with by environment variable 'XMOG_TRACE_LEVEL'
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] setTracing( "TraceVerbose" )
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] setTracing( 15, TraceVerbose )
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] setTracing( 15, 4 )
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] getTracing(15)=4
[ 3056] [   INFO] going to load a JVM...
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Entering xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 3056] [WARNING] WINDOWS ONLY: found preloaded jvm DLL (C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll) via Windows platform API, preloaded DLL overrides configured DLL
[ 3056] [   INFO] did not find a preloaded JVM
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::usePreloadedJvm()()
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] getJniVersion()=10002
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] getTracing(1)=4
[ 3056] [   INFO] 
  JVM Init Args
  JNI Version: 0x10002
  IgnoreUnrec: true

[ 3056] [  ERROR] No memory when trying to load JVM
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::loadInProcess(bool)()
[ 3056] [  ERROR] couldn't load a JVM or connect to one
[ 3056] [  ERROR] framework exception about to be thrown: code=-1025, msg='Can't load Jvm or connect to one'
[ 3056] [VERBOSE] Leaving xmog_jvm_loader::load(bool)()
[ 3240] [   INFO] xmog_jvm_loader::atexit_call()
[ 3240] [VERBOSE] getNoshutdownProcessing()=false
My PC is windows XP SP2 and I have 2 GB of ram. I have just rebooted and the condition persists. Does anyone have a cure?

Thanks again.

Re: Cannot connect using Information Server Console App

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:06 pm
by Ultramundane
Another bug. IBM had to manually modify the JVM proxy.xml file and comment out the specification for maxheapsize. After that, the Console now opens.
