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External routine compliation problem

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:19 am
by monaz
Hi All,

i am developing an external routine in C programing and calling in the transformer stage .

I am facing the problem while compling the code.
Output from transformer compilation follows:

##I TFCN 000001 03:15:47(000) <main_program>
Ascential DataStage(tm) Enterprise Edition 7.5
Copyright (c) 2004, 1997-2004 Ascential Software Corporation.
All Rights Reserved

##I TOSH 000002 03:15:48(000) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 03:15:48(001) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 03:15:48(002) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##E TBLD 000000 03:16:00(000) <main_program> Error when checking composite operator: Subprocess command failed with exit status 40192
##E TFSR 000019 03:16:00(001) <main_program> Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)
##W TFCP 000000 03:16:00(002) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The number of reject datasets "0"is less than the number of input datasets "1".
##I TBLD 000000 03:16:00(003) <main_program> Error when checking composite operator: Output from subprocess: P:\Ascential\DataStage\Projects\DEV_LY00ODS_EE\RT_BP1072.O\V0S16_CopyOfCopyOfjob2_Transformer_16.C(240) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'APT_Int64' to 'int', possible loss of data

##I TFCP 000008 03:16:00(004) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: cxx -W/TP -W/dll -LP:/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/DEV_LY00ODS_EE/RT_BP1072.O/ -LC:/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/lib -LC:/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/user_lib -lliborchnt -lliborchcorent -lliborchbuildopnt H:\DEV_LY00ODS_EE\mapping_code_test.o P:/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/DEV_LY00ODS_EE/RT_BP1072.O/V0S16_CopyOfCopyOfjob2_Transformer_16.tmp.o -o P:/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/DEV_LY00ODS_EE/RT_BP1072.O/V0S16_CopyOfCopyOfjob2_Transformer_16.dll
##I TBLD 000000 03:16:00(005) <main_program> Error when checking composite operator: Output from subprocess: LINK : warning LNK4224: /DEBUGTYPE:BOTH is no longer supported; ignored
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'H:DEV_LY00ODS_EEmapping_code_test.o'

##E TCOS 000029 03:16:00(006) <main_program> Creation of step finished with status = FAILED (CopyOfCopyOfjob2.Transformer_16)

*** Internal Generated Transformer Code follows:
0001: //
0002: // Generated file to implement the V0S16_repos_Transformer_16 transform operator.
0003: //
0005: // define external functions used
0006: extern int32 mapping_code_test(string entry_cd,string trid,string batch_cd,string debit_credit_cd,string adp_sec_num,sfloat amt,sfloat qty,string sec_desc,string trans_desc);
0008: // define our input/output link names
0009: inputname 0 DSLink10;
0010: outputname 0 DSLink17;
0012: initialize {
0013: // define our row rejected variable
0014: int8 RowRejected0;
0016: // define our null set variable
0017: int8 NullSetVar0;
0019: // Stage variable declaration and initialisation
0020: int32 StageVar0_stgvarmap;
0021: StageVar0_stgvarmap = 0;
0022: }
0024: mainloop {
0025: // initialise our row rejected variable
0026: RowRejected0 = 1;
0028: // evaluate the stage variables first
0029: StageVar0_stgvarmap = mapping_code_test(DSLink10.entry_cd , DSLink10.trans_acct_hist_cd , DSLink10.batch_cd , DSLink10.debit_credit_cd , DSLink10.security_adp_nbr , DSLink10.amt , DSLink10.qty , DSLink10.sec_desc , DSLink10.tdesc);
0031: // evaluate columns (no constraints) for link: DSLink17
0032: DSLink17.mapping_cd = StageVar0_stgvarmap;
0033: writerecord 0;
0034: RowRejected0 = 0;
0035: }
0037: finish {
0038: }
*** End of Internal Generated Transformer Code

I have generated C program and followed below Steps
Define your routine in DataStage manager: Routines -> New Parallel Routine
Set your routine definition.
Routine Name: External subroutine name: this is the function name in your c program:* Type: External Function
Object Type: Object <- you can also choose library if you compiled a DLL
Return type: int <- return type of your C function
And placed in the datastage local directory

Please suggest where i have gone wrong

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:32 am
by ray.wurlod
I don't see any mention of compiling and linking your C++ routine, nor any evidence that it compiled successfully and lacked a main() function.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:06 am
by monaz
ray.wurlod wrote:I don't see any mention of compiling and linking your C++ routine, nor any evidence that it compiled successfully and lacked a main() function. ...
Thanks Ray,

Its my first routine so please guide me if i have missed anythiing.

Its will be greatfull if you give me steps to follow

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:31 am
by monaz
ray.wurlod wrote:I don't see any mention of compiling and linking your C++ routine, nor any evidence that it compiled successfully and lacked a main() function. ...
HERE is the C program Code i have wrriten for the External Routine
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int map_code = 0;
int get_mapping_code ( char *entry_cd,char *trans_acct_hist_cd,char *batch_cd,char *debit_credit_cd,char *security_adp_nbr,char *tran_total_amt,char *share_trans_qty,char *desc_sec_line1_txt,char *desc_trans_sec_txt )
char *para[10][100];
int i = 0,k = 1,j,max_rules=0,flag=0;
int pos_val1,pos_val2,pos_val3;

FILE *configfile;
char *delims = ",";

char *configpara[80];
char configInput[80];

configfile = fopen ( "config_mapping.txt","r" );

while ( !feof(configfile) )
flag = 0;
i = 0;
fgets(configInput, sizeof(configInput), configfile);
configpara[0] = strtok(configInput, ",\n");
while(configpara != NULL) {
configpara = strtok(NULL, ",\n");

max_rules = atoi(configpara[k]);
/* Checking for 2 business rules */
if ( max_rules == 2 )
pos_val1 = get_position_param(configpara[k+1]);
pos_val2 = get_position_param(configpara[k+4]);
printf("para[pos_val2]:%s,configpara[k+6]:%s\n",para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]); */

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);
}/* End of conditions two */

/* Checking for 3 business rules */
if ( max_rules == 3 )
pos_val1 = get_position_param(configpara[k+1]);
pos_val2 = get_position_param(configpara[k+4]);
pos_val3 = get_position_param(configpara[k+7]);
printf("para[pos_val3]:|%s|,configpara[k+9]:|%s|\n",para[pos_val3-1],configpara[k+9]); */
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"=") == 0 )
if ( pos_val3 == 6 || pos_val3 == 7 ) /* To Handle float values */
if ( atof(para[pos_val3-1]) == atof(configpara[k+9]) )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val3-1],configpara[k+9]) == 0 )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],">") == 0 )

if ( pos_val3 == 6 || pos_val3 == 7 ) /* To Handle float values */
if ( atof(para[pos_val3-1]) > atof(configpara[k+9]) )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"<") == 0 )

if ( pos_val3 == 6 || pos_val3 == 7 ) /* To Handle float values */
if ( atof(para[pos_val3-1]) < atof(configpara[k+9]) )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);

/* To handle less then equal to */
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"<=") == 0 )

if ( pos_val3 == 6 || pos_val3 == 7 ) /* To Handle float values */
if ( atof(para[pos_val3-1]) < atof(configpara[k+9]) )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);


/* To handle not equal conditions */
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )

if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"<>") == 0 )

if ( pos_val3 == 6 || pos_val3 == 7 ) /* To Handle float values */
if ( atof(para[pos_val3-1]) != atof(configpara[k+9]) )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);

if ( strcmp(para[pos_val3-1],configpara[k+9]) != 0 )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);


/* To handle include */
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"include") == 0 )

if ( strstr(para[pos_val3-1],configpara[k+9]) != NULL )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);

/* To handle exlcude */
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val1-1],configpara[k+3]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(para[pos_val2-1],configpara[k+6]) == 0 )
if ( strcmp(configpara[k+8],"exclude") == 0 )

if ( strstr(para[pos_val3-1],configpara[k+9])==NULL )
flag = 1;
if ( flag == 1 )
return atoi(configpara[k-1]);

} /* End of conditions three */

/* printf("entry_cd=%s,trans_acct_hist_cd=%s,batch_cd=%s,debit_credit_cd=%s,security_adp_nbr=%s,tran_total_amt=%d,share_trans_qty=%d,desc_sec_line1_txt=%s,desc_trans_sec_txt=%s\n",para[0],para[1],para[2],para[3],para[4],amt[0],amt[1],para[5],para[6]); */
return 99999;
} /* End of mapping code function */

/* To return entry code. */

int set_map_code( int mapval, int flag )

if ( flag == 1 )
return mapval;
return 99999;

/* Get the input position parameter. */

int get_position_param( char *configval )
if ( strcmp(configval,"entry_cd") == 0)
return 1;
if ( strcmp(configval,"trans_acct_hist_cd") == 0)
return 2;
if ( strcmp(configval,"batch_cd") == 0)
return 3;
if ( strcmp(configval,"debit_credit_cd") == 0)
return 4;
if ( strcmp(configval,"security_adp_nbr") == 0)
return 5;
if ( strcmp(configval,"tran_total_amt") == 0)
return 6;
if ( strcmp(configval,"share_trans_qty") == 0)
return 7;
if ( strcmp(configval,"desc_sec_line1_txt") == 0)
return 8;
if ( strcmp(configval,"desc_trans_sec_txt") == 0)
return 9;


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:29 pm
by ray.wurlod
Please edit your previous post, surround your code with Code tags (to preserve the indenting) and disable smilies before clicking Submit.