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Date Check Error

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:07 pm
by gsym

Thanks in advance for the response

My input is of format 971226 and I add 19000000 and convert to date using stringtodate function.

But I get some invalid dates of format 112226 which results in 1911-22-26 where 22 is invalid month. Thus I see conversion error in director log and fatal error when trying to insert these records into oracle.

Thus before loading, I tried to use IsValid function in transformer constraint and reject these records. The records are getting rejected but getting fatal error in log, but job execution status is OK

Constraint :
IsValid("date", NullToValue(DSLink12.NW_TD_SPOUS_BDATE, CurrentDate()) )

Error in Log:
APT_CombinedOperatorController,1: Data string '**********' does not match format '%yyyy-%mm-%dd': an integer was expected to match tag %yyyy.

Can I know how to avoid this error? or any work around for this