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Handle the Job failures without Manual settings

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:17 am
by John Daniel
Hi ,

I have source of 80 records I need to send these 80 records to target. In this my job is failed at 44th record due to some error.

I want to re-start the job from 45th records i.e (I dont want to load the same data again from the begining onwards).It should start from 45th record onwards.

Please provide me some valid inputs to handle this issue

with great HOPE.


Re: Handle the Job failures without Manual settings

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:30 am
by Pagadrai
Hi John,
You are asking the same question in multiple different posts.
Please refer my answer ... 793250ea70

if you need more details, be more specific.