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Sequence calling another Sequence

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:53 am
by skumar
Hi All

I have created one seq for example SEQ1 and it is running fine in live.Now I got a small amendment to that and I have rename with SEQ2.When I am Running the SEQ2 it is running all assoicated jobs of SEQ1.Actually I want to run the job activities that are attached with SEQ2 only and it is a one time activity for me.When I am creating the SEQ2 I made a copy of the original and then I made the enancements.
Rest of all are seems to be fine.Where I am going wrong I didn't understand!!please share ur thoughts.I checked with the Job Control and do i need to check anything else??

Thansk in Advance


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:34 am
by anand_dafaria
Can you be more clear on what you are doing with SEQ2. Is it a different sequence with jobs associated different from that of SEQ1 or it too contains the same associated jobs as SEQ1??

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:11 am
by samsuf2002
Is your new job activity in SEQ2 running? If you have added a job activity in SEQ1 and named it SEQ2 then when you run it obviously it will run the old jobs with your new job as per the sequence.
If you just want to run your new jobs then you need to create a seperate sequence. if I understood you correctly.....