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Socket Operation on a Non-socket

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:24 pm
by nvuradi
Hi all,

a job which used to run normally before is abending now with , following error messages

main_program: Unexpected exit status 1 (...)
5615 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:10 2009
FUNL_Combine,3: Failure during execution of operator logic.
5618 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:10 2009
FUNL_Combine,3: Fatal Error: waitForWriteSignal(): Premature EOF on node resource_server Socket operation on non-socket
5619 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:10 2009
TRNS_Rej_Recs,3: APT_IOPort::receiveAcks(0,force): read on [fd 13: L10.116.174.111:11081, R10.116.174.107:35868] failed - 73 (Connection reset by peer).
5621 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:10 2009
TRNS_Rej_Recs,3: sendWriteSignal() failed on node resource_server ds = 24 conspart = 3 Broken pipe
5625 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:11 2009
FUNL_Bypass_Diff_Status_Dollar_Amt,3: Failure during execution of operator logic.
5628 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:11 2009
FUNL_Bypass_Diff_Status_Dollar_Amt,3: Fatal Error: waitForWriteSignal(): Premature EOF on node resource_server Socket operation on non-socket
5629 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:11 2009
resource_server_node2: APT_PMMP::makeMessage: bad message on port (5,14) - header is {2}
5630 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:11 2009
resource_server_node2: Internal Error: (0):processmgr/msgport.C: 1267: FAILURE: Impossible code statement reached:
5631 FATAL Wed Mar 11 18:59:11 2009
main_program: The Section Leader on node resource_server_node2 has terminated unexpectedly.

the job design is

reading from the db2udb table using db2 ent stage, trnasformation (transformer + funnel + aggregator), finally loading to a already truncated table.

I have searched the forum for all of the error messages but could not find the solution, hence posting again...

any idea/thoughts on how to solve this?

guess it has all the FATAL errors a PX job will have :(

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:30 pm
by Kryt0n
Would imply the server rejected your connection...

What is the extra information within:
main_program: Unexpected exit status 1 (...)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:00 pm
by nvuradi
Thanks Kryton for the quick reply!!
Kryt0n wrote:Would imply the server rejected your connection...

What is the extra information within:
main_program: Unexpected exit status 1 (...)
main_program: Unexpected exit status 1 (...)

it is actually the same error msg repeated thrice.
Would imply the server rejected your connection...
but when i run another similar job,its running fine.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:44 pm
by Kryt0n
And followed up with an extremely slow response... don't really have an answer, is the issue happening on the read or the write?

You have to be proud of yourself though, you've achieved the impossible

Code: Select all

Impossible code statement reached

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:16 pm
by nvuradi
Kryt0n wrote:And followed up with an extremely slow response... don't really have an answer, is the issue happening on the read or the write?

You have to be proud of yourself though, you've achieved the impossible

Code: Select all

Impossible code statement reached
I did the Impossible...but even DS did..till yesterday this job was running perfectly fine,but from today donno what happened :(

I am not sure where it is happening....when i tried to view data from Source i could see it.... may be it is during the write..just a guess though..

Re: Socket Operation on a Non-socket

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:30 pm
by nvuradi
today when i tried to run the same job...voila it ran......but my happiness was short lived as another job failed with same set of errors :(

still not able to figure out, what exactly the problem is :(

post the solution

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:07 am
by smishra.ds
Please post the solution for this. How it get resolved?