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Stored Procedure Stage Question

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:14 pm
by kld05
Is it possible to handle differing column layouts returned from a Sybase Stored procedure call? For example say my rowset contains header, detail and trailer records with differing columns.

The simple answer is to modify all the procs to return only detail records and handle the header and trailer in DataStage but this is not an option at the moment.

I'm currently getting the following error:

Stored_Procedure_0,0: Error: ValidateOutputColumns ct_results
The column(s) defined on this link do not match the column result set.

What are mt options here. Thanks in advance guys.

Re: Stored Procedure Stage Question

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:22 am
by Pagadrai
From what i understand your stored procedure gives 3 different record formats - header, detail and trailer.
1) You can collect the output as one single column (varchar of length 99999 or so) for each record.
2) separate header and trailer
3) spilt the detail record column into multiple columns using column Import stage.
4) process the detail records as per your logic.

try this and let us know.