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SFTP error

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:27 am
by kamesh_sk
Hello everyone.

Iam trying to SFTP a file to a remote location.My datstage job reads the file and send it to the FTP enterprise plug in and it should transfer the file to the remote location.I selected the option of SFTP in the ftp enterprise stage in the design.
The problem i get is the job runs succesfully, but it says x number of rows imported succesfully.Should it not say as exported succesfully as iam trying to SFTP the file outside to remote server.
Also in the remote server i dont find the data file clearly FTP has not happened.So what does the log says me.Why does it says imported succesfully. How do i SFTP a file using the FTP enterprise stage plug in.Can any one help me.
Thanks very much for your help

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:02 am
by mk_ds09
1. Check your datastage director logs carefully.
The parameters which are used. Does it give any other messages.

2. Check number of records in the input file, whether the director says that number of records are imported successfully ?

3. Check the location in the remote server.
There may be case that you might not be looking in the right directory
or may be not on the right server.

Hope this helps !

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:46 am
by kamesh_sk
Ok to make this more clear, the same ETL job is able to FTP a file to the remote server.
But when i select the SFTP option in the FTP plug in enterprise stage, the job fails. Is there any environment changes to be done or any FTP OR SFTP services to be installed/enabled
Thanks for the help

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:52 am
by richdhan

This is what I found in the Parallel Job Developers Guide.

Before you can use SFTP to transfer files, you should configure the SSH connection without any pass phrase for RSA authentication.

Hope this information helps.


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:24 am
by kamesh_sk
Thanks for your reply.
SSH is for unix platforms ibelieve and for windows it must come with a pre installed one or with some other option .
Can anyone kindly help

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:14 pm
by lstsaur
No such thing as a pre-installed one. You can get an OpenSSH for Windows which is a free package that installs a minimal OpenSSH server and client utilities in the Cygwin package without needing the full Cygwin installation.