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Resource Unavailable Error

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:19 am
by Azzuri
Hi All, I have an interesting issue. I have a job Seqeunce that I recently promoted to production which simulatneoulsy submits 8 jobs. Each job does a simple extract from UDB and writes to a DataSet in our staging area.
One of the jobs would abend on a resource not available error. It wasn't always the same job and when restarted would run OK. IBM suggested to turn off operator combination for debugging and the problem has gone away. It hasn't abended since setting $APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION to true at the project level. There isn't any difference in runtimes but CGI is saying that this isn't their standard. I'm thinking it's probably a CPU issue.

Any Ideas?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:43 am
by bart12872
Have you test your 8 jobs running sequentially with the option $APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION set to false ? and is it ok ?

If you think it's a CPU issue, I advice you to monitor CPU usage and look for an over-use of CPU.
If you don't have such tool, use NMON.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:49 am
by ArndW
Perhaps you are hitting your maximum user limit when all jobs are started simultaneously. Can you try putting a delay (call "SLEEP" from a execute command stage) in so that not everything tries to kick off at the same time. Thoe operator combination disable is generally not recommended for production, that is just something that can be used for debugging purposes.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:59 am
by Azzuri
ArndW, that's a good thought I could try to wait a few seconds before executing each job so that they aren't submitted at the same time.