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Job status is finished however there is a fatal error in log

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:57 am
by ahalawa
I have a job with Teradata enterprise stage, sometimes the job status is seen finished, however there is a fatal error in the log and no data is loaded to the target table and the sequencer proceed with the next job which depends on the data loaded by this job.

The fatal error is:

TeraUtils:DB Call Failure(success check) Info = 0, Code = 2801, Message = Duplicate unique prime key error in TDB.SIM_CARD_SUBSCRIPTION_HIST.

Any help is much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:51 am
by mk_ds09
TeraUtils:DB Call Failure(success check) Info = 0, Code = 2801, Message = Duplicate unique prime key error in TDB.SIM_CARD_SUBSCRIPTION_HIST.

There are some issues with the database stages.. specifically with DB2.
Job was not aborted even if there are fatal error messages in the director.
Those messages were generated when the update statement was failed as there no rows to update.

However those issues were fixed and patch was released by the IBM for DS.

If you are saying no data is loaded in the table and it is giving the above error message, which indicates the data for the given primary key is already exists in database. Is this the valid scenario ?

One of the solution which I can think of..( of course is to get patch applied ) to check before inserting any data whether data is present in the database or not ! I mean all this depends on your requirements !

Hope this helps !