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Null value in Sequential file stage..

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:26 am
by verify
For one of my field in the target i'm doing Null handling.
I used this function for handling null "NullToValue()".
For e.g:
OP.Col1 --> NullToValue(IP.Col1,' ')

And this field i'm mapping to sequential file stage and a dataset stage.

The job ran successfully but when i'm viewing the data for this field the output in Sequential file stage it shows as "NULL" but in dataset as " ".

But when i opened my sequential file in unix box the output is " ".
Could anyone please tell me why "NULL" is appearing?
Is there any possibility to change the output..

Please help me out...

Re: Null value in Sequential file stage..

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:40 am
by betterthanever
don't go with view data option in the seq file stage to check what is written to the file

what you see when you open the file on UNIX box, is what you have in the file...

or try this

when writing to seq file...set the property under field defaults -->null field value --> ""
and see