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Need help in script

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:24 pm
by pradkumar
Hi Everyone,

I have two jobs A and B . B should be execute after A finsihes and the job B will create a dummy file on unix server. I created a sequence job C which has A-->B .I have a requirement to
1) execute the sequence job C .
2)Interrogate for the existence of dummy file.
3)If the file doesnot exist, sleep for 5 minutes and loop back to step 1
4) If the file exists or if the number of loop exceed 5, exit out of the loop.

For this iam trying to write a unix script. Could anyone help me with the following script

#! /usr/bin/ksh

for L in 1 2 4 5
${DataStage_BIN_DIR}/dsjob -run ${PROJECT} ${JOBNAME}
if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
echo "*** DataStage error! status = $STATUS"
exit 2

A="`cat $FILENAME`"
echo $A
if [ "$A" == "1" ]
return 0

sleep 300


exit 1

Let me know any changes have to be made in the script , since when i tried to execute the script with command activity stage its throwing a warning script didnot finish.. It would be helpful if any one can share a sample script to solve this requirement..

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:39 pm
by chulett
Why would you be executing this from a Command Activity stage? Wouldn't you just run it from the command line yourself?

Biggest thing that jumps out at me: the lack of a -wait or -jobstatus option being used, so the job is started but then immediately moves on to the next line of the script. Oh, and "for L in 1 2 4 5"? :?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:53 pm
by pradkumar
Chulett-- The reason to execute the script by command stage is -- i have a to add an activity to execute the above script after job D starts( That inserts audit record) ---> add a waitfor activity following the activity for the above script, to wait for dummy.txt, having a timeout occurrance of 5 hrs. If the file doesnot arrive after 5 hrs , send a notification , if the file has arrived i have trigger another main seq job that loads the data and delete the dummy file.

My job design should looks like

Job D---> command stage(execute the script) -->wait for file-->main seq job-->delete file -->send email.

I have to send email if file has not arrived after 5hrs.

So please throw some suggestions how can i achieve the requirement..


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:15 pm
by chulett
Why not just do the whole thing in a Sequence job? That script just complicates understanding and maintenance. Sure seems like you could do the whole thing between the Start/End Loop stages with a routine (or a WFF stage) to check for the existence of your file.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:01 pm
by pradkumar
Thanks for your reply..

so my job would be like

Start loop ( 1 to 5 times)---> job sequence C(which has A and B that creates the dummy file)--->sleep for 5 minutes ---> end loop -->wff stage-->main seq job ---> successnotification..

Please correct me if iam wrong ... it would be great if you could give outline of the job design ...

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:17 pm
by chulett
Well... as best as I can tell, your file check will need to be inside the loop. So, perhaps:

* Start Loop (1 thru 5 step 1)
* JobActivity C
* WFF stage (0 wait)
* File not found trigger
-- Routine sleep 5
-- End Loop (continue)
* File found trigger
-- Branch out of loop
-- Main sequence job
-- success notification
* Exit from loop (no file)
-- failure notification

Something like that, anyways. :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:25 pm
by pradkumar
Thank you .. I will work out on this...