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Will Same Job committed rows come to Same Job CC before set?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:14 am
by gnan_gun
My Job design flow is:
Extract the records from Oracle table.
Lookup the source records to FINANCIAL records in FIN_DATA table.
If any records matches then update the record in FIN_DATA column FLAG to 'N'. and Insert the same record in RET_DATA table with SRC column value 'RET'.
If Unmatched then have to check data in RET_DATA table and see is there any updates/inserts/deletes. For this Before set data extracting from RET_DATA table WHERE SRC='RET'.

My question is:
My source is 20Million+ Records. If 200 records matches in lookup, these 200 records going to RET_DATA table as a Insert. Is there any chance these 200 records will come to change capture before set?

If these records come then all records found as a deleted records in change capture.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:45 am
by Kirtikumar
If you do not want these 200 records to be the part of before set then you can create an extract job and store this before set to a dataset. Then you can use this dataset for this process.