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18765 Memory fault(coredump),code 139

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:57 am
by 2ksaint
when I run the parrallel job, im getting the following error.

Contents of phantom output file =>
RT_SC2122/[20]: 18765 Memory fault(coredump)

Parallel job reports failure (code 139).


HP unix box - DS 7.5.1A Server
Windows XP - DS 7.5.1A Client
DB - Oracle 9i

Please help us in resolving the issue

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:48 am
by chulett
What exact version of the Oracle client is installed on the DataStage server?

Re: 18765 Memory fault(coredump),code 139

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:05 am
by coface
Try to analyse your SQL statement carefully. We encountered this problem several times, yet. In our case, it always was related to the statement itself:

1st time: SELECT NULL, something, something_else FROM (...)

--> You cannot select NULL in the select-clause of a sql-statement within DataStage, although it is allowed in sql itself.

2nd time: SELECT something, something_else, something FROM (...)

--> You must not state the same column twice! This leads to the problem described above.

I do not remember the other examples, but it always had to do with the sql statement.