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Not Null Columns of Dataset showing as Nullable

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:35 am
by rohit_mca2003

I am writting data in Dataset, which has few columns defined as Not Null. All the values are properly populating in the dataset.

But when I am looking the dataset schema in Data Set Management, it is showing 2 columns as NULLABLE. However I have declared those columns as NOT NULL.

Run Time Column Propogation is also OFF for the dataset and job.

Could you please help me resolving this issue.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:50 pm
by ray.wurlod
Check your work, double check, and have a colleague check it. I can't see how this could happen. What exact version of DataStage?

Maybe have the janitor look at it as well (old joke, but a good one).

Similar Problem...

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:18 pm
by guilherme007
I am having a simlar problem, using Datastage 7.5.2, in a parallel job.

In this job I am using RCP, and I only have the fields defined in the SQL Query and in the SCHEMA File which I use to define the columns of the output sequential file.

The job is only this:

The problem I am having is that *one* field that is surely not null in Oracle cannot be written in the output file (datastage says it is null, but it is not). This field is a String in Oracle and I want it as a number in the output file, so I am converting it with TO_NUMBER oracle function (I am testing with a single line which I am sure is ok, and although the query in pl/sql returns correctly but not datastage).

I also tried to write it as a String (without the TO_NUMBER function) and then: It works, but with a wrong number!!! I really don't understand this!

I already tried a lot of things to solve this, and I don't know what to look for in the documentation. I am starting wondering if this is a bug in RCP with the schema usage of sequential files.

If I write to a new file without the SCHEMA option, only the RCP, the problematic field is written correctly, so the SCHEMA (which I set directly in the properties of the output file) seems to be related to the problem!

The schema datatype field is this:
FIELD :nullable string[11];

If someone has some Idea of how to solve this problem, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance,


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:52 pm
by girija
You can use IsValid function in transformer to see whether is it a valid number or not. If not try to assign a default value. If you are using oracle TO_NUMBER, use NVL(TO_NUMBER(TRIM(Field)),<default value>.


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:49 pm
by guilherme007
Hi Girija,

I Just solved the problem, and I opened a question in another related subject:

The c_format was causing the problem as datastage was expecting an int64 instead of int32 in the schema file. The error showed in this case is
"FIELD is null but no null export handling is defined"

The solution is below:

FIELD :nullable int32 { c_format='%+012d',width=12,default=0 };
FIELD :nullable int64 { c_format='%+012llu',width=12,default=0 };

Thanks very much for your answer, I will test if your solution works for me.
