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Surrogate Key Generator - produced sequence num with a gap

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:08 am
by cwong
Kind of wonder if you had experienced the similar issue - Surrogate Key Generator produced sequence number with a gap.

Backgrouund info:
(1) the state file is deleted and created every time before the job is run
(2) expect the Surrogate key number start from 1 and increment by 1
(3) Job ran with 2 node configuration

(1) input = 503598 rows of data processed through
(2) the highest value of Surrogate key generated = 503799
(3) from debug, found one gap = 201 in between the sequence number as below

Gen# Gap Partition#
------ ---- ------------

The sequence number is growing okay from 1 upto 498799 between partition 0 and partition 1. Then found this one unexpected gap. After this gap, the sequence number beyond this point continued growing normally between partition 0 and partition 1 with no issue.

Any insight or advice ?


Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:04 pm
by chulett

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:58 pm
by cwong
Hi Craig,

Thanks greatly for sharing the info.

I will apply the recommended changes and update the result here later.