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Oracle stage...

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:20 am
by sagar deshmukh

Code: Select all

i am loading data into oracle tables and suppose the jobs gets aborted at 101st does it means that it has insertred 100 records into the table..
and if so,....and if we dont want the job should commit any records if it gets aborted then what we need to do..

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:03 am
by Katie09
i am loading data into oracle tables and suppose the jobs gets aborted at 101st does it means that it has insertred 100 records into the table..
and if so,....and if we dont want the job should commit any records if it gets aborted then what we need to do


It depends on the commit interval. If you set it less, you transaction will be completed and database will have parital results..
However it is having issues with performance as if commit interval is less, data will be written to db and i/o will increase.