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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:13 am
by sreenathprakaash
hi... im trying to implement scd 2 using the scd stage in my DS job. I am getting the following error while compiling: "If at least one Type 2 column is present, then SCD stage requires either a Current Indicator column or an Expire Date column (or both) to be present in the dimension table!". The job which im trying to do has a "rtbl_cd" and "rtbl_desc" colm in the source link. The reference link has the cols "rtbl_cd", "rtbl_desc", "disc_date" and "eff_dt". i have given d cols "disc_dt" and "eff_dt" as scd 2. Can anyone give me some idea on how to progress in this?

Re: scd2

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:28 am
by JRodriguez

Look like you won't have a Current Indicator fields so you should define your eff_dt column with a purpose code "Effective date (Type 2)" in the Input --> Lookup page of the SCD stage

Hope this will help

