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Project warning count environment variable

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:42 pm
by bensonian
In order to run our application we have a shell script that actually grabs the project setting values set at the project level and executes the 'dsjob' command.

The Problem is I donot see an Environment variable (at the Admin/Proj Level) that actually overwrites the default 'Warning Limit' count value.

I certainly would appreciate your help.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:01 pm
by chulett
There isn't one... but that doesn't mean you can't create one for that purpose, I suppose.

I'm curious, what 'project setting values' are you fetching in your script and how are you using them? Seeing as how they are project level environment variables, those variables are automatically created in every job's environment when it runs so there shouldn't be a need to explicitly pass it to the job... unless you're not taking advantage of the $PROJDEF mechanism. :?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:06 pm
by bensonian
I'm curious, what 'project setting values' are you fetching in your script and how are you using them?

The script actually grabs all the values at the Project level and tries to execute the 'DSJob command'. The default value for 'Warning counts' is 50, I beleive unless and untill one specifies it at the admin/project level. I was wondering if there is an environment variable that actually overwrites the 'default' 50 count ??

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:12 pm
by chulett
As noted, there isn't one. The only "override" setting is done at the client (individual PC) level as an option in the Director. There is no project level equivalent.

ps. Didn't really answer my tangential question as to exactly what you're doing in this script, but that's ok.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:15 pm
by bensonian
chulett wrote: ps. Didn't really answer my tangential question as to exactly what you're doing in this script, but that's ok.

dsjob -file $XCONFIG_DIR/dsjobfile.txt $DOMAIN_PORT $ETL_PORT -run -jobstatus -param $DS_GLOBAL_PARAM $DS_PROJECT $XDS_NAME >> $LOG_FILE