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Enbaling PAM authentication - NEED HELP!!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:24 pm
by dav_mcnair
I am currently upgrading our AIX 5.3 Dstage 7.5.2 environment to use PAM authentication and cannot log into Dstage anymore. Our AIX server are already configured for LDAP and is working fine at a system level. I have followed all steps in Ascential Documentation and no success. It looks like Dstage is not making the call the PAM\LDAP based on the PAM logs.

1) added entries to pam.conf and methods.cnfg
2) stopped datastage
3) change uvconfig set AUTHENTICATION = 1
4) uv -admin -regen
5) started datastage

Any insight would be great...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:19 pm
by bcarlson
We had this same issue. I believe there was a patch that we had to get from IBM to make it work properly. I was not involved in the setup, but I'll check with our Infrastructure group to see if I can get some info.

In the meantime, you may want to ping your IBM rep and see if they can look into it.

By the way, if you go to v8, the PAM authentication is not currently supported. We have had to go with local Unix ids for now. We have hit up IBM for a fix, but not sure how long it will take to get it.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:37 am
by bcarlson
I checked with our Infrastructure group. It was IBM ecase 87332 that resolved the issue.
