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Concurrent Jobs Run

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:30 pm
by pradkumar
Hi Everyone..

I have 40 sequence jobs that has to run concurrently .. when i try to run all the jobs,some of the jobs are aborting ..But when i run them individually all are finising successfully. I have searched the forum and found the information about the memory and cpu utilization . By using the top command i found that the cpu utilization is reaching 100 even when i ran 10 jobs concurrently. From the ds forum search i got the reason might be hardware is underpowered for the load being put on it or perhaps because some tunables are set too low.

My Dev server configuration is V490 2 x 2 USIV+ 1.5 proc 16 Gb RAM Sol9

So i decided not run all the jobs concurrently , either we increase the resources or we run a few of the jobs in parallel, and sequentially run another set of a few concurrent running jobs. The effect of the 2nd option will be to increase the elapsed time .

Anyone can suggest how to achieve this situation and what settings on the server side has to be tuned .

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:57 pm
by kandyshandy
You are on the right track. Reduce the number of concurrent running jobs to fit your resources.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:35 pm
by ray.wurlod
Or, of course, increase the available resources (buy hardware). The experience with version 8 seems to be more and more that the development machine needs at least as much grunt as the production machine, particularly when there are multiple developers.

It's a simple supply and demand situation.

Use the resource estimation tool to get the figures you need to max out the machine without overloading it.