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Error: glibc detected

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:13 pm
by rajeev_prabhuat

We have a simple job taking data from source and loading the data to a sequential flat file. The flow is as follows:

ODBC stage (SQL server) ---> flat file

In ODBC we have a select query, which is perfectly working while executed induvudiaully and also we are able to see the data through ODBC stage. But, while running we are getting error while loading the data from ODBC to flat file. The error that it is shown is as follows:

Warning 1: Read_SQL_Server,0: *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x090fb470 ***
Warning 2:Read_SQL_Server,0: /bin/echo: write error: Broken pipe
Fatal 1:Read_SQL_Server,0: Operator terminated abnormally: received signal SIGABRT
Fatal 2:main_program: Step execution finished with status = FAILED.

Please help us!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:29 am
by GJ_Stage
Please confirm, are you using output flatfile is fixed or delimiter one ?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:03 am
by rajeev_prabhuat

GJ_Stage, it is flat file and with fixed delimiter.

We were able to solve this problem by changing the parameters that were provided in the source odbc stage. Initally we had provided only the table name in the parameter, here I change it to <dbname>.table name in the source parameters and then it ran sucessfully with out any error.

This is for your information and thank you for the support.