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DBX error

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:17 pm
by somu_june

I had a job which has single lookup stage and 4 lookup datasets. The size of lookup datasets are 4.3GB, 0.23 GB , 0.51 GB and 0.13 and input dataset has 1.95 GB which is stream link. My job is aborting by throwing the following errors

LU_Monthly_Data,0: sh: dbx: not found

LU_Monthly_Data,0: Operator terminated abnormally: received signal SIGBUS

I searched in form for above two errors but I couldnot find any thing related to lookup stage. I tried to reset and run the job but it failed by throwing the same error.

Iam trying to use two lookup stages and see whether this is due to large data volume. Mean time if some one already had faced this error and able to resolve it, please let us know.


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:26 am
by somu_june
This problem was solved by replacing lookups with join stage. This problem is because of large lookups.
