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Schema Reference

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:41 am
by harshada

I have a job

seq file read -> transformer - > seq file out

in the transformer we o/p only some columns. this was the original design. But now i wanted to change the job to o/p few more columns. When I simply drag dropped the columns from i/p to o/p in transformer and compiled the job it gave me error that

When processing argument -outputschemaWhen processing schema: schema contains a field "<field name>" that is a subrec or tagged; only top-level fields are accepted.

So I came to know there was reference to some schema.
My question is how can we come to know that which schema is getting referenced? I somehow found out the actual schema, added the new columns in it and then in my job and then the job was compiled successfully.

I could not find anywhere in the job, as to which schemas it is referencing
Where and how can we find this by looking at the job?
