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Schema Reference

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:53 am
by harshada

I have a job

seq file read -> transformer - > seq file out

in the transformer we o/p only some columns. this was the original design. But now i wanted to change the job to o/p few more columns. When I simply drag dropped the columns from i/p to o/p in transformer and compiled the job it gave me error that

When processing argument -outputschemaWhen processing schema: schema contains a field "<field name>" that is a subrec or tagged; only top-level fields are accepted.

So I came to know there was reference to some schema.
My question is how can we come to know that which schema is getting referenced? I somehow found out the actual schema, added the new columns in it and then in my job and then the job was compiled successfully.

I could not find anywhere in the job, as to which schemas it is referencing
Where and how can we find this by looking at the job?


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:01 am
by balajisr
Examine the generated OSH. OSH can be viewed through "Generated OSH" tab in your job properties window.

If you do not get this tab in your job properties window then enable it using administrator.