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Comparing date fields

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:21 am
by swathi Singamareddygari
Hi all,

I am facing an issue when comparing date fields.

I am doing like this

If Lkp_Read.EFF_DT_Target=Lkp_Read.EFF_DT_Input then 'I' Else 'U'

Lkp_Read.EFF_DT_Target,Lkp_Read.EFF_DT_Input are two nullable date fields.

If null is coming its giving warning as

Tfm_2,0: Conversion error calling conversion routine date_from_ustring data may have been lost

i tried using NULLToValue function also for assigning '' to date field but its not assigning empty to date field.

Please help me in this one

Thanks for your help


Swathi S

Re: Comparing date fields

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:08 am
by Jasti
swathi Singamareddygari wrote: i tried using NULLToValue function also for assigning '' to date field but its not assigning empty to date field.
Swathi S
Try to pass all 0(zero) s into the date field in the correct date format which is used in you job,if the date field contains a null..

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:20 am
by LenGreenwood
You have to decide what date you would substitute for a null value. For strings, the empty string ("") is an obvious choice for null, and for numbers 0 is fairly obvious. But for dates you need to pick something like "1900-01-01" if you really must treat null as if it were a default value. date_from_ustring() will only work on a valid date in the string, and "" is not a valid date format.

So try using NullToValue(link.col,"1900-01-01")

(Of course you also need to consider why the values are coming as null in the first place, as in SQL there is a distinction between "" and 0 and null.)