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ORACLE Load -unsupportive type for column not mentioned

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:43 am
by mouni
Hi ,

I'm trying to load data to ORACLE through the load option.
I have about 6 columns to load but the table has other additional columns and one of it is a LONG datatype.

The job aborts saying the COL1 datatype not supported.

How can i avoid this as i'm not interested in loading that LONG datatype.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:10 am
by chulett
Seems to me you'll need to avoid any bulk loading options as they typically want all columns to be handled. For Oracle, that specifically means a DIRECT=TRUE 'direct path' load. You should be able to switch to a conventional load which essentially does 'normal' insert/update DML, or just go for plain old insert/update which can easily handle selective column loading.

Now, that LONG may still throw us a curve as they put alot of restrictions of what you can and cannot do to those records but I guess we'll see. BTW, the advice is always to not use them any longer, and to convert existing usage to CLOBs.