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Job Does Not Exist

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:40 am
by patelamit009
Hello All,

I am facing a problem in deleting a job in Datastage Release 8.0.1.

I tried deleting the job through DataStage designer, it did not work. It was showing some RT_CONFIG5 error.

I deleted the job from DataStage Administrator using command:


The output of this command was 1 Records deleted.

But, still I can see that job in the Datastage Designer. I logged out and logged in again, NO LUCK. The weird part is , I cannot see the job present in the DataStage Director.

The job is not even getting renamed/deleted. To cross check I again fired query on UVSH


It returned NO ROWS. That means job is deleted from the engine.

Atlast, I tried to import the same job again in the project. The import error is "No Object found to Import."

When I import the same dsx file of the job in some other project then all goes fine.

Can anyone help me get out of this issue.?

Note: The job is exported from a Datastage Release 7.5 and imported to Datastage Release 8.0.1.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:52 am
by ArndW
By using the "DELETE DS_JOBS JobName" you have ensured that your repository has become corrupt. A job and its metadata is stored in many places, and as of V8 in even more, by just deleting that one entry instead of fixing the original problem you have generated even more issues.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:45 pm
by Bryceson
It is true that your job has been DELETED from UV database and since you're in DS 8.0.1 you also have an entry(ies) of the job in XMETA Database where you have not deleted yet.

It is a lengthly process to DELETE a job in XMETA DB and I have been throught once we the help from IBM Support. I remember we have to delete some entries of the job from two XMETA tables (DSJobDef and DSItem) after we identified some RID of the job we're deleteing.

I will look for some notes I took and post as soon as I find them . . . . BUT you best bet is to work with IBM Support since XMETA DB has more than 800 tables and it very difficult to know the relationship where things are stored.

Thanks . . . . Bryceson

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:28 pm
by ray.wurlod
Never, ever, delete jobs in that way. Even after Bryceson posts his findings about what's in the common metadata repository there are yet other things that will need to be cleaned up in the local repository, among them entries in the table of job objects (DS_JOBOBJECTS), and possibly references to these in table metadata, shared container definitions, and so on.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:03 am
by wfis
ray.wurlod wrote:Never, ever, delete jobs in that way. Even after Bryceson posts his findings about what's in the common metadata repository there are yet other things that will need to be cleaned up in the local repository, among them entries in the table of job objects (DS_JOBOBJECTS), and possibly references to these in table metadata, shared container definitions, and so on.
Thansk a lot for your help.

I have raised the issue with IBM.