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Error write into a SAS dataset

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:20 am
by lottokahe
Hello community.

I have a problem writing into a SAS dataset.
The Job aborts with following error message:
APT_SAS_Export,0: subprocess failed with exit code 2,APT_SAS
APT_SAS_Export,0: ERROR: Library APTLIB does not exist.

It seems, that something very important is missing. But where can i set up parameters regarding SAS Datasets?

I am using this config file:
node "node1"
fastname "gcedwh2u"
pools ""
resource sas "/sas/sas913" { }
resource disk "/ascdata/ascwork/Datasets" {pools ""}
resource disk "/gerit/mh60379" {pools "" "sasdataset"}
resource sasworkdisk "/gerit/mh60379/A" { }
resource sasuserdisk "/gerit/mh60379/B" { }

resource scratchdisk "/ascdata/ascwork/Scratch" {pools ""}

If someone has a solution, don't hesitate to post it.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:25 am
by chulett
Can't really help, but let us know if this is something that was working and stopped or if this is the first time you've tried this and you are attempting to get it to work.

SAS Dataset

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:55 am
by lottokahe
chulett wrote:Can't really help, but let us know if this is something that was working and stopped or if this is the first time you've tried this and you are attempting to get it to work.
It is the first time that i want to create the SAS dataset.
My source is coming directly from SAS and is working:

libname mydata "/gerit/mh60379";
data liborch.gku2;
set mydata.gku2;

I think there is something wrong in the config file.
I am happy about any suggestions.

Thanks and regards,
