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dynLUT files in /tmp

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:05 am
by dav_mcnair
I am doing some research and noticed that our hdisk mount with the /tmp allocation is getting hammered during job runs. We have allocated our scratch/sort to another hdisk and know that it is not the contender. I do know that the uv uses the /tmp for workspace but after looking found a lot of dynLUT* files. These look to be to be some sort of lookup template file. Anyone know what these files are? Also is their a way to direct them to another file mount?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:33 pm
by throbinson
They are the memory mapped files used when the lookup data in a job runs out of physical memory and starts getting swapped to virtual memory. The directory is configurable via the config file for the scratchdisk resource defined there. Currently it appears to be /tmp or is missing altogether and the default is being used. I think there was a bug of some kind that didn't clean these guys up but am not sure. You should check with IBM about the patch for this problem.