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Oracle Load Error

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:42 am
by sandeepgs

I am trying to load data from a flat file to oracle data base.

I am Using Oracle Stage to load data

Properties set:

WriteMeathod = Load
WriteMode = Append

But it is throwing warning

Warning Message:

Oracle_Enterprise_3,0: The system(sqlldr system/oracle@Orcl CONTROL=ora.1286384.380289.0.ctl LOG=ora.1286384.380289.0.log BAD=ora.1286384.380289.0.log.bad SILENT=header PARFILE=ora.1286384.380289.0.par) failed; see the log file for the Oracle specific message.

When using UPSERT there are no warnings.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:28 am
by chulett
And what did you find in the LOG file?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:13 am
by sandeepgs
chulett wrote:And what did you find in the LOG file? ...
Thanks for your quick response.

I finally resolved the issue.

I found out the error by going throug the oracle log report. The problem is with the souce data provided.

Data is declared as null in source for not null columns.