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Parallel ODBC connections refused

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:33 am
by I0360DA
I am not able to connect to SQL database through ODBC Connector Stage in a Parallel job. The Server jobs that connect to the SQL database using the ODBC Stage are working perfectly fine. The odbc.ini file and config file have been setup for the Server jobs. I am using the same DSN, user ID and password for the Parallel job but getting the following error message:
'Connection refused to host:; Connection refused' :(

I have searched the forums but have not found an answer to this problem.
Am I missing something in another file that needs to be setup for the ODBC parallel to work?

Please advise.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:47 pm
by Nagaraj
This may sound stupid, even i used to get this error, i am sure the error message is more than
"'Connection refused to host:; Connection refused' "
Please go ahead and run the job, it will run properly(if you have given all valid access credentials). do not try to view data thru the odbc connector stage.

i think it is a bug in 8x. Just compile and run.


Parallel ODBC connections refused

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:23 am
by I0360DA
The job did not run. It aborted with the following error message.
5063 Abort - core dumped