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Empty DataSet vs DataSet with records

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:27 am
by poorna_76
Is there way to differentiate 'DataSet with no records' vs 'DataSet with some records'.

Is there a function or command or routine avialable.

Is it possible to control the dataset creation - if i don't have any data going to dataset, is there a way to stop the empty dataset creation.

If not, can i use any fucntions to differentiate a 'Empty DataSet' vs 'DataSet with Data'?

Thanks in Advance.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:30 am
by ArndW
You cannot stop creation of an empty dataset and there is no builtin function for use in jobs that would give you that information. You can use the UNIX command "orchadmin" to list the number of records, this can be called from sequence and used in jobs.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:57 am
by poorna_76
ArndW wrote:You cannot stop creation of an empty dataset and there is no builtin function for use in jobs that would give you that information. You can use the UNIX command "orchadmin" to list the number of recor ...
Thanks ArndW.

We have 2 scenraios here:
1. Dataset is not getting created at all in some cases where there is no data.
2. Empty Dataset is getting created in some cases where there is no data.
(Header is greater than 0 bytes , but the Detail is 0 bytes)

So, my question is, is it safe to check for the size of the Detail Dataset, when we want to check if the Dataset is empty OR Dataset is not created?

Thanks in Advance.