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ODBC Time out Error

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:23 am
by harshada

We are connecting to Progress d/b using ODBC stage. There are around 10,00,000 records to be read and put into a dataset.

I am getting the following error after a read of around 6,00,000 records. The timeout happens for any number of records...say if the records are more than 3,00,000 not for lesser than that. Is the time out error due to huge data volumns or is there a timeout setting in DS for ODBC connections? The same query if run directly on the progress d/b does not time out.

The FetchBufferSize = 999 is defined in .odbc.ini file for that progress database connection

What does RPC stand in the below error.

[OpenLink][ODBC]RPC: Timed out.
