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Problem in loading the file using Oracle stage

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:15 am
by bkumar103
I have a table with following structure:
col1 varchar(20),
col2 date,
col3 varchar(15)

where col1 is the primary key

i have the records in a flat file, fields delimited by the pipe which needs to be loaded into the table.

I am using the upsert statement. where i have to update the records based on the primary key.

But when i run the DS job, the job aborts saying SIGSEV error. Its does not give any other clue.

Could anybody faced such issue and what could be the reason?

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:13 am
by bkumar103
The problem does not occur if i set the insert array size to 1.
Any thought why it happens like this.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:59 am
by ketfos
You should check for memory and swap size param.