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Compilaton Er Subprocess command failed with exit status 256

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:12 pm
by Abu@0403
Hi All,

I have searched all the post with this error but i could not find any post which is similar to that of mine.
The following are the errors filtered from compilation error I got.

##E when checking composite operator: Subprocess command failed with exit status 256.

##E Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)

##E Creation of a step finished with status = FAILED. (Job_Name.Transformer_Name)

I have a job in which there are 16 output links out of a transformer. And each link has a sort stage followed by an output sequential file.

Eg: Transformer - Sort stage - Sequential File
( Where there are 16 separate sort stage and a file following it out of the same transformer)

When I use only 10 outputs with sort and file stages, it works. But whenever I try to add one more link(11th link) out of a transformer for including a sort stage followed by a sequntial file, the compilation fails.

Could anybody help me in resolving this.