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Priv were lost momentarily which works again after sometime

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:01 am
by vinodn
I am encountering one issue while selecting data from table.Sometime Job goes fine and sometime it fails with error message..

"Access to sys.dba_extents required but not available. please see the your dba for select privileges"

I checked all priv are there and many times we were successful.
Desperately looking for you guys suggestions to short it out.Plz help.


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:40 am
by ray.wurlod
Only your Oracle DBA can sort it out (which is what I suppose you meant). Nothing, not even DataStage (which is just another client application as far as Oracle is concerned) can bypass database privileges.

You can Search DSXchange to find out why SELECT privilege is required to certain Oracle system tables by the Oracle Enterprise stage.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:03 am
by vinodn
Thanks Ray i asked DBA to trace this issue but after 2 days analysis he is not able to get any clue why its happening.
Do you have/or if anyone have any inputs/suggestions for him.I mean from where he should start and what all he should look for.
As you said this is nothing to do with DataStage but this post is to just help out DBA.
